The project aims to develop a sustainable coffee supply chain in Myanmar, where the economic potential of this resource is not yet fully valorised.
This proposal stems from a longstanding collaboration among partners in Italy and in Myanmar and is based on various research studies conducted in the field, analysing the current fragility and future potential of the local context.
Coffee from the Southern Chin region of Myanmar has recently been assessed as excellent in terms of quality, according to cupping tests conducted in Italy. However, the opportunities related to the sale of Chin’s natural green coffee on local and international markets are still limited. Furthermore, local families working on coffee production are unable to obtain relevant gains.
Even though growers cultivate coffee through organic techniques and a semi-natural approach that enhances quality and environmental sustainability, they do not use adequate processing and preservation techniques. This in turn compromises the quality of the final product and leads to a continuous loss of forest areas, due to shifting cultivation practices.
Project’s objectives
Therefore, the project’s objective is to increase the quantity and quality of coffee production, while also improving employment and income opportunities, strengthening the supply chain and micro-entrepreneurial activities linked to it (i.e. non-wood forest products obtained from shade plants), with the aim of achieving a conscious and sustainable use of natural resources.
In collaboration with the local implementing partner, the two Italian project partners aim to implement activities that will lead to the development of a coffee supply chain and the creation of market networks. Throughout the project, activities will be particularly focused on engaging often disadvantaged beneficiaries, such as women and young people. Innovative activities will also be adapted to the local context, ensuring the development of a sustainable system able to thrive even once the project is completed.
What happened during the pandemic?
Despite the troubles that Myanmar is facing, due to the pandemic and the delicate political situation, the project is going on!
Funded by
Co-funded by